ADTEL Version 3.0 This program remains the property of the author: John H. Hess 41064 Riverock Lane Palmdale, California 93551 805-722-1903 Copyright (C) February 29, 1992 by: John H. Hess This version of ADTEL is ShareWare and is offered for the small fee of $15.00. You are granted permission to use this software free for a period of thirty (30) days from the first date that you installed it on your computer or begin using it on a floppy disk. Following your 30 day free trial period, you must either purchase your copy of this program or cease to use it. Special permission to continue to use it free may be granted to certain individuals by the author. Payment of your fee will grant you a license for continued use, a copy on disk, a manual, and free support. You will also be supplied one free upgrade. Complete license information is provided at the end of this .TXT file. NOTE: Those users permitted free unlimited use of ADTEL are: þ All Students (school, high school, college, trade & technical schools, etc.) þ All Schools, Colleges, Universities, Trade Schools, and institutions of higher learning þ All Churches and non-profit religious organizations þ All other individuals and/or organizations who upon application to the author, are granted free use IN WRITING by the author þ ALL USERS, WHETHER ELIGIBLE FREE USER OR PURCHASER MUST REGISTER THEIR USE OF ADTEL, BY SUBMITTING THE REGISTRATION FORM BELOW. cut here................................................................cut here ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º ÄÄÄÄ REGISTRATION FORM ùù ADTEL Version 3.0 ÄÄÄÄ º º º º Date:__________________ Phone (_____)______-__________ º º º º Name:_______________________________________________________ º º º º Company:____________________________________________________ º º º º Address:____________________________________________________ º º º º City:____________________________ State_____ Zip____________ º º º º Where did you obtain º º your copy of ADTEL? _______________________________________ º º ............................................................ º º Please mail this form with $15.00 to: º º John H. Hess º º 41064 Riverock Lane º º Palmdale, California 93551 º º º º Cash, Money Order, or Personal Check accepted º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ page 2 Operation of this program is completely menu driven and is easy to learn. User friendliness has been considered probably over many other features. If you can read and understand the screen you can operate ADTEL. For this reason, this instruction file has been limited to the main features and requirements of this software. Detailed instructions are contained in the operation manual which will be provided to registered users only. For an evaluation period of 30 days, the instructions in this TXT file are adequate. Before operating ADTEL, it is important that your computer has a statement in its CONFIG.SYS file that says FILES=30. Without this statement, where the file number is 30 (or greater) ADTEL will stop your computer, and the message "Too Many Open Files" will be displayed by DOS. If you do not have a CONFIG.SYS file on your computer, consult your DOS manual on how to write one. DOS does not supply this file. You must write it yourself. After adding the files number requirement, reboot your computer with the new configuration and then you may run ADTEL. NOTE: if you load several TSRs when booting your computer, you may need a number for the FILES= statement that is larger than 30. ADTEL requires 30 to run. Increase this number until DOS no longer displays the message "Too Many Open Files." ADTEL is a large Database with 27 database overlay modules. Most programs (with the exception of large spreadsheets or databases) can function well with a statement in the CONFIG.SYS file that says FILES = 20 (this is the usual statement). Increasing your FILES = statement by 10 files will consume a minimal amount of RAM (about 512 bytes total); this loss of RAM should not affect the operation of any other of your programs unless your computer is really strapped for available RAM. For each 10 files open, approximately 512 bytes of RAM are consumed; therefore, 30 files open will consume approximately 1536 bytes of RAM total. I. INTRODUCTION: ADTEL has been written as a database, for filing and retrieving names, addresses, and telephone numbers. I wrote this program basically for myself because I was not able to find an address and telephone database that satisfied me. This database has been essentially tailored to my own needs and wants. However, after completing it I made the assumption that maybe others could use it. I think that most people will find it both useful and pro- ductive. There are many options available on records retrieval that can be helpful Ä files are sorted automatically and quickly in many ways; individual records may be retrieved by keying in just what is wanted; printing of lists or the complete data info is available with the data sorted in many ways. Editing, delet- ing and adding records is easy and quick. There is no limit to the number of records that you can add (the limit imposed is the available space on your hard or floppy disk for use to store the data and operate the program). page 3 The ADTEL program was written to be user friendlyÄit is entirely menu and window driven and does not require any particular com- puter skills other than the ability to read the screens. All the menus operate in the same manner so there should be no confusion. The program has been written to avoid traps (i.e. becoming lost and unable to get back to the start) Ä if anywhere a mistake is made in an entry, in a menu selection, anywhere in the program, simply pressing ESC will return you to the place just prior; if one continues to press ESC, one will eventually exit from ADTEL the program to the place from where it was originally begin (the DOS prompt or from your own menu system). If at any time during your use of ADTEL you find something that does not work like you think it should, please write me a quick note at the address on page 1 and describe your difficulty; you may also telephone at the number above on page 1 and I will try to help you out of your particular problem Ä however, please try to work out the condition yourself first. ADTEL is very straight forward and should not give any user any problems. And NO, I am sorry, but I cannot return telephone calls to discuss problems. II. PROGRAM FILES: README.NOW The opening README file ADTEL-V3.TXT ShareWare Instruction File *ADCOLOR.EXE Sets colors for ADTEL *COLORS.COM Returns colors to default *ADTEL.EXE Command file to load ADTEL *AD&TEL.EXE ADTEL database SHOW.EXE TXT File Screen Viewer INSTALL.EXE Installation file ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º ALL of the above eight (8) files must be included in the º º distribution package whenever ADTEL V.3 is passed along º º to any other individual for use, uploaded to any BBS, or º º distributed by any ShareWare vendor. After installation º º README.NOW, ADTEL-V3.TXT, and INSTALL.EXE may be deleted º º from the program. SHOW.EXE may be used as a text viewer º º for any text file, and may be located anywhere on your º º computer, or you may delete it. The four files marked º º with an asterisk (*) are required for ADTEL operation. º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ III. COMPUTER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: PLEASE READ THIS SECTION COMPLETELY, as this information will determine if you can use this program to its fullest... þ Any IBM or Compatible Computer (XT, AT, PS2, 286, 386, 486). þ This Program may be NETWORKED as is with no modifications. þ A hard disk is recommended, although the program will run OK on either a 1.2M 5.25 floppy, a 720K floppy, or a 1.44M 3.5 microfloppy. Memory requirements are minimal: ADTEL-V3 re- quires approximately 275K RAM to load, but once it is loaded, it requires only 150K RAM to operate. page 4 þ IMPORTANT: The program was written to use VGA Color registers which includes all IBM type VGA Color monitors and cards, all Multisync monitors with VGA cards; however, it may run satis- factorily on some EGA monitors with some EGA cards; ADTEL-V3 will operate on any monitor and card combination, BUT some of the colors may appear washed-out, not as clear as intended or in some cases unreadable if it is operated on some EGA or CGA systems. There should be no problem with color on any VGA or Super VGA system. Monochrome, amber, and green monitors may see some variation in intensities, although all these systems should be fully readable. þ Most printers will work OK with the program. Here, again, it is impossible to test with all possible printer/computer com- binations. NOTE: PLEASE SEE PRINTING FILES SECTION FOR LASERJET COMMENTS. IV. STARTING THE PROGRAM Copy the four (4) required files in the files list above to your desired location on your hard drive. All Four Files must be in the same directory. Do not mix the ADTEL program in a directory that contains any other files. ADTEL must have its own directory for proper operation. Or you may use the INSTALL program to copy ADTEL to your hard drive. If you run ADTEL from a floppy drive, no directory is required Ä but do not mix ADTEL on a floppy with other files. Keep one floppy just for ADTEL. After all the required files have been installed into the same directory or on the same floppy type ADTEL to start the program. The first time you run ADTEL, whether on a floppy or on a hard drive, ADTEL will create additional DATABASE files. These data- base files are the ones that will contain the records and infor- mation that you will enter. DO NOT DELETE THEM! Because ADTEL creates its DATABASE files the first time it is run, startup may take somewhat longer the first time. However, startup and load speed will be much faster the second time ADTEL is run, as the DATABASE files will have been created. If you are operating the program from a floppy disk, the speed will be considerably slow- er than from a hard disk. Your first, or opening screen will be a menu screen which begins the ADTEL program. As stated before all menus operate alike, so an explanation of this one should suffice for all. Menus have a first character, then a character separator (ù) and the option text. By pressing the first character of a menu choice, you will highlight that choice. Pressing ENTER when a choice has been highlighted will access that choice. The arrow keys also may be used to navigate a menu and highlight any choice. Again, after the choice has been highlighted, pressing ENTER will take you to that selection or perform that selection. page 5 V. DATA ENTRY Before ADTEL will operate, you must enter data into its database. Entering data may be accomplished in two ways: (1) from the MAIN MENU selection "Data Entry" or (2) from within a Screen Table. When you first start ADTEL you should probably begin by entering your data consecutively from the MAIN MENU. Highlight Data Entry and press ENTER to access the Data Entry Screen. You will note a flashing message at the top of the screen that says "Record will be added." Proceed to type your information into each field and press ENTER following the completion of each field. Upper case and lower case letters will be automatic for some fields; other fields may require that you use the SHIFT key if an entry is to be capitalized. Numeric fields such as phone numbers are entered directly, the hyphens placed for you. The MEMO field at the end of the Data Entry form is a text field, with automatic text wrap to successive lines. That field may contain any notes or other pertinent information you might wish to enter (such as birthdays or anniversary dates, appointments, comments, anything). Use the MEMO field as you would any text editor; it contains the stand- ard keyboard functions of most text editors. If you make a mis- take in the entry, either backspace while in the field, or press ESC to return to any previous field; when the record is complete either continue to press ENTER until you return to the MAIN MENU or press CTRL-ENTER to immediately write the record to the DATA- BASE files and immediately return to the MAIN MENU. All fields do not require an entry. Simply press ENTER without entering any data while in any field to accept a blank field. If information is in a field that you wish to remove, either back- space it out or press CTRL-END to remove all characters from the cursor forward. The second method to enter data is covered in the SCREEN TABLES and DATA MANAGEMENT section. A review of the ADTEL Data Entry Fields: ù Last Name - accepts all characters, numbers; entry is automa- tically CAPITALIZED (ALL CHARACTERS) ù First Name - accepts all characters, numbers; capitalize the first character, if you wish when you make the entry ù MI - Middle Initial, is automatically capitalized for you ù Home Number & Street, or P. O. Box - Accepts all characters ù City - Accepts all characters; capitalize the first character if you wish when you make the entry ù State - Enter the two letter abbreviation for the state; this abbreviation is automatically capitalized for you page 6 ù Zip - Enter the 5-digit zip code; if there is a zip code ex- tension, enter this 4-digit code or press enter to leave this field blank ù Home Telephones - Enter the phone numbers beginning with area code. The hyphens ( - ) are placed in the number for you. Do not enter the hyphens. ù FAX or Mobile - Enter a FAX or Mobile Phone here, beginning with the area code, in the same manner as the Home Telephones were entered; type either an F or M to identify the number as FAX or Mobile following the number entry. The entry defaults to an F, so if it is a FAX number, just press enter to accept the F. ù Personal Relationship or Title - Enter the name or relation- ship of the entry, such as Friend, Doctor, Computer Dealer, Attorney, Teacher, Church, etc., whatever you choose. When making this entry, try to always enter the same name or title for each like entry (i.e., all Doctors would be entered with the title of Doctor, not one as a Doctor and another entered as a Physician). This field will recall all like titles and relationship entries, and will act as a classified directory. ù Company Name - This field accepts all characters, numbers. ù Company Building or Mail Stop - Same as Company Name. ù Suite - Accepts all characters or numbers. ù Department - Accepts all characters or numbers. ù Building Location - Accepts all characters or numbers. ù Number & Street or P. O. Box - Same as for Home Address. ù City, State, Zip - Same as for Home Address. ù Company Phones - Same as for Home Phones. Ext (Extension) ac- cepts characters as well as numbers for identification. ù MEMO - Use this field as you would a word processor; Insert, Delete, End, CTRL-End, etc keys work the same as with a word processor; this field will automatically wrap the text to the next line. VI. SCREEN DATA MANAGEMENT Screen Data, or recalling information to the screen for veiwing, editing, deleting, etc., is performed from this selection found on the MAIN MENU. Highlighting "SCREEN Data Management" and pressing Enter will produce a window that offers two additional choices " C ù Complete Database " or " S ù Specific Record " Highlighting Complete Database and pressing Enter will take you to the Complete Database Screen Menu, where you may choose any page 7 of the selections for sorting and retrieving your data. All the entries in the database will be shown in a scrolling table. From the table, highlight the selection that you wish to view, press Enter and the Data Entry Screen with all that selection's infor- will be accessed. Note the flashing message at the top of the screen: Record will be changed. Here you may edit or delete any of the fields of information shown on the screen. When you have completed your edit, press CTRL-ENTER and the changes will be written to the database, and you will be returned to the Menu. TO DELETE AN ENTIRE RECORD: First highlight the record to be de- leted in the screen table. This may be done from any screen ta- ble within ADTEL. Then press DELETE. You will be taken to the Data Entry Screen where the complete record of information for a selection is shown. Note the flashing message at the top of the screen says: Record will be deleted. If you want to delete the complete record, press Enter. The complete record will be erased from the database. If you change your mind, and decide that you really do not want to erase the complete record, press ESC, and you will be returned to the MENU. The record will remain intact in the database. You may also add new records while in any of the TABLES. To add a new record in this manner, Press INSERT, and you will be taken to the Data Entry Screen. Note that the flashing message at the top of the screen says: Record will be added. Continue to enter your information, in the same manner as you originally did, when choosing DATA ENTRY from the Main Menu. Press CTRL-Enter when the you have completed the entry, or continue to press ENTER and the record will be added to the database. This method of enter- ing data was the second method mentioned above. From the selection window, highlighting S ù Specific Record will take you to the Specific Data Menu. From this menu, any of the database records may be recalled, individually, selected by your choice of information. For example, if you wish to recall and view a specific individual, select the option LAST NAME. You will be given a window where you can type in the last name of an individual. You must enter the last name spelled exactly as it was originally entered in the database. An incorrect spelling or entry will not be accepted. Pressing Enter after the entry, and then pressing Enter again on the RECALL option will reveal a table where all your database records with the entered last name is shown. From this table you may view, edit, or delete any of the records. Highlight the one that you wish and press enter or delete to continue. All specific entries work the same. Select the recall choice from the menu, enter your specific data, press Enter following the entry, press Enter on RECALL, and your data will be sorted for you. VII. PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT Selections from this menu choice work exactly the same as from the SCREEN Data Management Menu. From this menu you may choose to either print your data in tabular form, or you may print just page 8 a single record, or you may print the complete database, where all information in each record is printed. Most printers will work fine on these selections. However, for all printers, these printer settings must be made: ù Set printer at 66 lines per page ù Set printer to 15, 16, 16.67, or 17 characters per inch ù FOR HP LASERJET PRINTERS - CHOOSE AN INTERNAL FONT THAT WILL SUPPORT LINE PRINTING, SUCH AS SYMBOL SET PC-8, FONT 21. CON- SULT YOUR MANUAL IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. VIII. LICENSING INFORMATION ADTEL Version 3.0 ADDRESS and TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Written By: John H. Hess (OWL SYSTEMS) Copyright 02/29/92 John H. Hess 805-722-1903 41064 Riverock Lane Palmdale, California 93551 ................................................................ This program is the property of the author and remains the sole property of the author. However, it may be downloaded and shared freely, without charge of any kind for a thrity (30) day period, where it may be evaluated before registration and purchase. If, after the 30 day period any user continues to use this program, that user MUST REGISTER and PURCHASE this program, or it must be erased from the disk. ALL USERS MUST REGISTER THIS PROGRAM, INCLUDING ALL FREE USERS-- FREE USER CRITERIA IS EXPRESSED ON PAGE 1 OF THIS MANUAL. If you feel that you might qualify as a free user, please clearly state your justification in a letter, with the registration form addressed to the author. Your justification will be evaluated and you will receive an answer by return mail that will either grant you free and unlimited use or require you to purchase the software if you wish to continue to use it. For NETWORKING PURPOSES, ANY COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION MUST APPLY FOR A SITE LICENSE. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION IN WRITING TO THE AUTHOR ALONG WITH YOUR REGISTRATION FORM. STATE IN YOUR APPLICATION FOR NETWORKING THE NUMBER OF COMPUTERS THAT YOU WISH TO ACCESS THIS SOFTWARE. YOU WILL BE SENT BY RETURN MAIL THE PRICE LISTING FOR NETWORKING. Additional conditions that apply to this software are: 1. The program SHALL NOT be edited or changed in any way-it may not be reverse engineered. 2. The program MUST be copied as a complete package when it is downloaded or distributed. The complete package means all the files in the file listing in section II. PROGRAM FILES MUST BE INCLUDED in the distribution. NONE of the listed files may be omitted. page 9 3. That the ADTEL-V3.TXT file is read prior to operation of the program; specific information pertinent to program operation is contained in this file. 4. That it is fully understood and accepted that the author assumes no liability of any sort, no implied liability of any sort, from use of this program; that the maximum amount of liability is the full purchase price paid by a user, which will be cheerfully refunded upon application to the author should this software not function as it is intended on any user's computer. 5. This program SHALL NOT be sold by anyone, or any distri- butor, at any time, NOR shall it be included with any other program, group of programs, by any distributor for any reason, without the expressed permission, in writing from the author. 6. Shareware and Freeware dealers may charge a nominal fee, which shall not exceed $10.00 for duplication costs for the entire program. Shareware and Freeware dealers and distributors may include their name and address on the distribution disks, but shall not include any other type of advertisement on the distribution disk. 7. Shareware and Freeware dealers MUST REGISTER their in- tent to distribute this program by submitting the REGIS- TRATION FORM to the AUTHOR and noting their intent to distribute the software on the reverse side of the FORM, with the statement: "AS A SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTOR, WE IN- TEND TO DISTRIBUTE THIS SOFTWARE TO THE PUBLIC AS A PART OF OUR BUSINESS." There is NO CHARGE to any Shareware or Freeware Distributor for providing this service. 8. Computer BBSs may include this program in their listings for all to download. Computer BBSs DO NOT have to reg- ister the fact that this program is available on their respective BBSs for downloading. Additionally, there is NO CHARGE for Computer BBSs in using this program. ................................................................ end of file